PickleBall Drills Are Fun Logo

Take Your Play To The Next Level In 7 Days With These "3 Secret Drills"

Hey there, it's Pickler here...thanks for stopping by!

We love or should I say that we are obsessed with Pickleball. Playing matches in your local recreation league is lots of fun but we all want to get better. And, the fastest way to do that is with various drills.

Whether it's a solo wall drill or one with a partner, drilling consistently will elevate your game to new levels. It's just like anything else, you need to "practice, practice, practice" and you'll be amazed at how your game progresses.

I play 3-4 days a week in my rec league yet I practice 6-7 hours per week using the drills on this website and was amazed at how much better my game became. It's building that muscle memory with repetition over and over again. Just like in any sport or learning an instrument.

Each of the drills are targeted for different areas of your game, be it footwork, shot selection and accuracy, and fast hand reflexes so you can crush those hand battles!

Beyond the drills you'll find comprehensive tips and strategies and how to master the all-important mental game. Of course, having fun at the same time :)

If you are new to the game, scoring can take a bit to get used to so we have a glossary that shows the easiest way to remember the score as well as common terms used in this sport.

Finally, there is a self-rating guide so you can easily identify what level you are currently at and what it takes to get to the next.